Notebook: Panthers willing to slow-play free agency

Sir Purr

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2019

As we noted Wednesday morning, there are still some moves to be made (they need help on the offensive line, as well as defensive tackle, linebacker, cornerback, tight end and other spots), but those are going to be more surgical strikes in a depressed market rather than splurges.

With the league's salary cap going from $198.2 million last year to $182.5 million this year, plenty of free agents are going to be squeezed, and many expect a lot of one-year deals. The opportunity for bargains exists, if you're willing to wait.

That sounds like general manager Scott Fitterer's strategy, in a nutshell.

"We'll talk to a lot of agents starting on Monday and see where the market is," Fitterer said. "However, I think this might be one of those years where if you just wait and are patient, you might be able to get quite a few players in that middle class who get pinched by the cap this year.

"Even though we've created a lot of cap room, this is not a year we're going to go wild spending money. We're going to be very judicious in how we go about this."