Rob Gronkowski calls Giants coach Joe Judge “out of control”


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

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Lest you think the Giants got some dour Bill Belichick clone when they hired Joe Judge, Rob Gronkowski would like to set the record straight.

In fact, the fun-loving former Patriots tight end described the former Patriots special teams coach in ways you might not have imagined.

“He’s out of control in all ways,” Gronkowski said, via the New York Post. “He’s fun to be around, he has a lot of great jokes and they’re funny. He had me laughing many times in meetings. . . .

“He’s out of control and I love it. He’s a great coach for the Giants’ organization. He has so much passion for the game, and that’s what you need if you want to be a coach. You have to love the game of football to the max and that’s what he does. He knows the game of football inside and out.”

Gronkowski never had to play much special teams (at least not after breaking his forearm blocking on an extra point in 2012), but he said Judge kept him prepared in case.

“He knew where every single player needed to be on every single play,” Gronkowski said. “It was unbelievable. And he knew it like that [snaps fingers]. He knew it in a split second, so it wasn’t like he had to think of where this player needed to be. You just knew he’s made for the game of football.”

That much seemed apparent from the background and endorsements we’ve already gathered about Judge. His hidden wild side, which has the Gronkowski seal of approval, remains to be seen.