Trump “shocked” by Drew Brees comments, thinks he’ll regret them


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Mar 19, 2019

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President Trump sees NFL players kneeling during the national anthem as a winning campaign issue for him, even if it means taking on one of the league’s most popular players.

For the second day in a row on Thursday, Trump brought up Drew Brees and criticized his decision to apologize for equating kneeling during the anthem with disrespect for America. Echoing comments he had made Wednesday on FOX News, Trump said Thursday in an “interview” with his son Donald Trump Jr. that he thinks Brees gave in to pressure and put out a statement that he doesn’t really believe.

“I was shocked,” Trump said. “I think he hurt himself very badly and I was going to put out that I think he’ll regret that in future years. . . . I don’t believe he believes his second statement.”

Brees’ second statement came after several long discussions with teammates and friends around the league, and there’s no reason to think he didn’t genuinely have a change of heart. But with the presidential campaign heating up, expect to hear much more such criticism from Trump.